Notification concerning transactions by persons performing managerial
responsibilities pursuant to section 15a of the WpHG
Directors' Dealings notification transmitted by DGAP - a company of EquityStory AG.
The person with duty of notification is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
Details of the person subject to the disclosure requirement
Last name: Leonhardt
First name: Hubertus
Company: SHS Gesellschaft für Beteiligungsmanagement mbH
Position: Member of an administrative or supervisory body
Information about the transaction with duty of notification
Description of the financial instrument: share of VITA 34 International AG
ISIN/WKN of the financial instrument: DE000A0BL849
Type of transaction: Purchase
Date: 25.05.2007
Price: 10.74
Currency: EUR
No. of items: 1000
Total amount traded: 10740.00
Explanation for publication:
Notification regarding business by Management pursuant to sec.15 a WpHG
The Deputy Chairman of the supervisory board of VITA 34 International AG,
Herr Hubertus Leonhardt, has informed us as person according to sec.15a
para 1, clause 1 WpHG, that he bought on May 25, 2007 1000 shares of VITA
34 International AG, Deutscher Platz 5a, 04103 Leipzig, Deutschland (ISIN
DE000A0BL849) at a price of 10.74 € per share with a transaction volume of
10.740,00 € via Xetra.
Vita 34 International AG
Deutscher Platz 5a
04103 Leipzig
Information about the company with duty of publication
Issuer: Vita 34 International AG
Deutscher Platz 5a
04103 Leipzig
ISIN: DE000A0BL849
End of Directors' Dealings Notification (c) DGAP 25.05.2007
ID 2385